Alice and Georgia's Adventures In Toddlerhood

Sunday, November 04, 2007

More pics from the last week....

Daddy with two of his girls.

I can't believe we actually got one of Gigi smiling.

Alice and Dylan in the park. Dylan is one of Ali's friends from school.

Ring Around the Rosies. I didn't get a picture of it but they actually got the dads to play with them not too long after this. Let me tell you - if you've never seen two grown men playing Ring Around the Rosies before, you really should.

Ragamuffin Parade!

Hoboken has really great Halloween festivities for the kids but the best is the Ragamuffin Parade. Apparently they've been doing this since the 60's and now it's absolutely huge. We thought there was no way all those kids could actually live in Hoboken.

Here's Alice with two of her best buddies - Amanda (left) and Clare (right). Clare's mom actually made her costume. I wish I'd taken a full body shot because it was really great.

This is yet another of Gigi's costume choices. I thought this one actually showed some ability to coordinate.

Alice the butterfly and Sophia the bride.

This is baby Helen's costume.

Halloween Party #1

Here are the girls all dressed up for their first Halloween party of the year. This was Georgie's 3rd costume change and she still wasn't thrilled. She spends a lot of her time with that look on her face these days. Have I mentioned how much I love the 2's?

Harvest Festival

Last weekend was the Harvest Festival, here in Hoboken. As you can see, it's starting to cool down a lot. We couldn't stay long with Helen but the girls saw just about all their friends and had a great time. And, of course, no festival would be complete without a pony ride.