Alice and Georgia's Adventures In Toddlerhood

Sunday, November 04, 2007

More pics from the last week....

Daddy with two of his girls.

I can't believe we actually got one of Gigi smiling.

Alice and Dylan in the park. Dylan is one of Ali's friends from school.

Ring Around the Rosies. I didn't get a picture of it but they actually got the dads to play with them not too long after this. Let me tell you - if you've never seen two grown men playing Ring Around the Rosies before, you really should.


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Stacy Ann said...

Hello!! We got your Christmas card today and what a neat surprise! I'm so glad to find that you have a blog as well, although I don't update mine very much. Your family is so beautiful and I hope we can see y'all sometime!!


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