Alice and Georgia's Adventures In Toddlerhood

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bathing Beauties

Believe it or not, it was almost 90 degrees in Houston today. The girls, who would swim if it was 30 degrees, took full advantage of the warm weather and splashed around on the pool steps. Then played a really one-sided game of 'chase' around the pool. Alice kept saying "You can't catch me, I'm running!" She was right, Gigi was nowhere near catching her.
As you can see, Gigi worked up quite a thirst.

There are no words

these kids are a class act.
On a side note: we went to McDonald's like this.
Move over Stooges.

Alice Paints the Outside Wall

We thought we were just about done with all the work on the house but Alice thought it needed a little more improvement.

The Daredevil and Her Big Sister

We went to the Kemah Boardwalk the other day. It was a little on the trashy side but the girls didn't care and we had a great time! We discovered Georgie is VERY adventurous and Alice.....not-so-much. Alice's favorite ride is the carousel (the neigh-neighs, which you can see we rode more than once) and Georgie favorite ride was the airplanes that spin in the air.

Reading Angelina Book again.....

Alice loves to be read to and Angelina Ballerina is her absolute favorite. As you can see, she knows it by memory now.

Easter Morning


Art Time

Somehow 'Art Time' is always turns into 'Body Art Time'. I'm hoping this doesn't mean tattoos in the future.

Always In Fashion

I like to think that Alice is just a trendsetter and in about 20 years we'll all be dressing like this.....
