Alice and Georgia's Adventures In Toddlerhood

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Helen eats REAL food....

This is from Helen's first bites of rice cereal. She's really embracing the whole solid food idea. So far, she's tried - sweet potato, carrots, squash, peas, tomatoes and Flounder. The flounder was her favorite but she finishes her bowl just about every time. It's about time one of them ate well.

And here's what happened when I walked away to get some wet wipes.....

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful

More from Memo and Papa's

The girls enjoyed the warm weather. Here they are having a popsicle on Memo and Papa's front stoop.

Four Little Pumpkins Sittin In a Row

This is from our trip to Memo and Papa's house.
Helen, Alice, Marin and Georgia

Princess Tea Party

By popular demand.....
Here are the pictures from Alice's Princess Tea Party.

Everyone wore their favorite princess clothes. I think we may have taken this one before everyone got there. In total I think it was 16 little girls. Maybe 17. They had a great time. But for the adults out there - picture this - 17 little girls plus a parent in 1500 sq feet.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I remembered to take a picture of the decorations. They were really fabulous. In fact, we just took them down a few weeks ago.

This was the tea-tray that Desiree came up with and helped me assemble. It's cups and plates. Cool, huh?

Happy Birthday! Take 2. We couldn't get the camera ready in time so we lit it again. My poor asthmatic child had to get a little help blowing the candles out.

Pre-party prep. As I always say,"It takes a lot of work to be this beautiful".