Alice and Georgia's Adventures In Toddlerhood

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Our Short Weekend In Rockport

We went to one of my oldest friend's wedding in Rockport yesterday. It was beautiful and Bethanie was glowing. Alice was on her best behavior. She was very quiet and very still until almost the end (and we waited for a long time for the wedding to start). It all started to fall apart when a few people sang a song that really struck her fancy and she started to sing with them. I told her that she could sing when it was over and I'm guessing she thought that meant when the song was over. After that there was a very long prayer and she started to get a little restless so I told her if she could just whisper the rest of her words she could have cake when we were done. Big mistake. For the rest of the prayer Alice alternated between pretending to whisper and screaming the word 'cake'. They said they wanted kids there...
The reception went on for a long time but the kids really hung in there. They ate chicken fingers and french fries that were specially prepared for all the kiddos and of course cake. Then Alice danced and danced. She twirled and shimmied and jumped until 10:30pm. Then she got to share a bed with Mommy! It was definitely her best night and we definitely need to get her in some dance lessons!
Today we got up and went to the beach for a few hours. It was the most beautiful day and the girls had a great time!
The girls played on a new wooden kiddie ship - dug in the sand - chased the seagulls. Alice got her feet (and shoes and socks) wet. Then on our way back to the car we ran into a really nice family with two little boys and a new puppy named Buddy. Rockport has always been one of my favorite places. I'm so glad the girls are getting to experience it too!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Christmas!

We had a very happy Christmas Day! Alice would like to thank Santa for her new kitchen and shopping cart. Gigi would like to thank him for her new red car that you move with your feet. Now, if she could just figure out how to go forward...

Alice and Georgie help decorate the Christmas Tree

Alice and Georgia helped me decorate the Christmas Tree. As you can imagine, that was interesting. First off, Alice insisted on wearing her swimsuit - which was okay since it was 85 degrees and 80% humidity. Gotta love Houston. After the addition of floaties and rain boots we were ready to go. In the end I resorted to letting Alice throw the tinsel balls at the tree, which actually worked really well.

Here's a picture with the finished product.

We're back in business....

I don't know what was up with our blog but it seems to be back to normal again now.

A few weeks is a pretty big span in the life of a one or two year old so we've got a lot of updating to do.

We had an early Christmas with Memo, Papa, Auntie Amanda, Uncle Jeff, Cousin Marin and that extra growth on my couch...Uncle John. Uncle Jeff only had a little bit of time off from the Army and they were spending Christmas with his family, so we got first dibs on seeing everybody. Alice had a horrible bout of asthma while everybody was here and had to suffer through a breathing treatment but she still had a great time playing with her Cousin Marin. Georgie wasn't so sure about her Cousin but they're both going to be chatter boxes in a few years so we think they'll get along pretty well.

We opened our family presents to eachother and the big winner was the ride on Thomas the Train that Memo and Papa picked out for Alice. Georgia LOVES it. Every morning now we come downstairs and Georgie asks for her 'hoo-hoo'. Thank you everybody for our nice gifts but thanks especially for the 'hoo-hoo'.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Gigi likes Jane Austen

I feel it's my responsibility, as I'm sure Aunt Amanda would agree, to introduce the girls to Jane Austen at an early age. So today, while Alice was having an extra-long nap, Gigi and I watched 'Pride and Prejudice'. Gigi loved it - okay, so maybe she liked the popcorn eating part of watching the movie more - especially the parts with the horses and the dancing.

I don't want to think about the unrealistic expectations that such movie-watching (or book-reading) could create down the road. A girl can dream, right?

[Gigi's molars are coming in -so that's why her cheeks are abnormally rosey]