Alice Loves School

Friday morning I went to get Alice and she kept trying to leave her room with her napmat. I told her that we would get the napmat later and she said,"No Momma school nap mat". So we brought the napmat downstairs. Then I asked her what she wanted for breakfast and a thought she said "hot dog"but I couldn't tell (and she's never said 'hot dog' before) so I told her to show me what she wanted. She went to the fridge, opened the door, pointed to the dairy/meat drawer and said "hot dog". So, Alice had a hot dog for breakfast. After she ate breakfast she came over and saw me making her lunch and said, "Momma, school snack". I told her it was her school snack and she said "yes". 'Yes' is Alice's standard answer for any question unless it's a definite 'no'. But, then I asked her what she was going to do at school today and she said,"moon bounce." After I picked my jaw up off the floor I said,"Are you going to do the moon bounce at school today" and she said,"Yes, Momma, moon bounce"and started jumping up and down.
Later that day Nick asked her if she learned any new words at school today and she said "impress". Next Friday maybe we'll teach her the meaning of 'irony'.
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